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About our School and Daycare programs

It is not hard to see that there exists a relationship between children and the earth.  We all remember making mud pies garnished with rocks (yum!) and playing outside as children.  Our world these days is dominated by screens and technology which slowly disconnects us from the out doors.  We believe that harnessing a child's thirst for discovery with the magic of gardening is an easy way to develop a lifelong appreciation for where our food comes from, and in turn, healthier eating habits.

One of our goals is to promote organic sustainable agriculture.  We believe that children play a vital role in achieving that goal. We think it is necessary that children learn about where our food comes from.

Our Schools and Daycare programs will be customized to the individual organization depending on age and curriculum goals. 


With the purchase of a Summer Garden and a maintenance program we will include hands on 1 hour sessions about gardening tailored to the age level of the group.  Also, we will bring to each class a box full of plastic gardening tools so that the kids can get in on all the good stuff.  We can also provide information kits for the teachers so that there can be extra time spent in the garden - especially the harvesting and eating part!

For bigger kids and later grades we can develop a curriculum that is aimed at their age level.  For example, on one visit we could discuss local food issues, the 100km diet and the global food system and another visit the class could discuss sustainable agriculture. 


Please contact us or give us a call at 1-888-756-1738 for more information.